Ambassadors Toolbox
Getting started
Ambassadors Guide
Epic Portfolio 2022
How to help
EMAil templates to make introductions
- Consultation email before making an introduction
Dear ….,
As you may know, I am a proud Ambassador for Epic, a renowned global foundation whose mission is to empower and protect children, youth and our planet.
I think you’d enjoy meeting the team and I’d love to introduce you to their fantastic work.Can I introduce you to Alexandre / Myriam / XX to explore possible synergies between you / your company / your fund….
Can I go ahead and connect you both by email?
Have a great day,
- Spontaneous intro without consulting first
Dear ….,
As you may know, I am a proud Ambassador for Epic, a highly successful global foundation whose mission is to empower and protect children, youth and our planet.
As such, I’d love to introduce you to their fantastic work and have you meet Alexandre / Myriam / XX to explore possible synergies with you / your company / your fund….
I am convinced this will lead to great things.
Have a great day,
- Linking email
Dear ….,
Following our conversation, I am pleased to introduce you to Alexandre / Myriam / XXX, so you can get to know each other and Epic’s work better.
I’ll let you figure out the next steps together. I am convinced this will lead to great things.
Have a great day,
Please choose the country where you would like to receive a fiscal receipt.
2022 Auction Catalog
Catalogue des enchères 2022
Epic Impact Study Orgs 2021
Global Monitoring Report 2021
Harvard case study
Epic in the Media
Alexandre Mars bio
Epic in Business Insider on Tech Philanthropy
Epic in Town & Country Magazine
Get involved
We believe that we can all make a difference if we come together and pool our ressources. Let’s create change by giving more, better and smarter.
Join the fight.

Epic Foundation is:
United States – a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity | United Kingdom – a Registered Charity #1163753 | France – a Fonds de dotation | Switzerland – a tax-exempt charitable foundation.