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Environment and future generations portfolio

Epic has historically been committed to addressing issues affecting children and youth. We acknowledge the greatest existential threat to current and future generations is climate change and believe that our methodology can be a strong tool in this fight. In December 2022, we launched a second flagship portfolio within Epic which specifically supports nonprofits addressing environmental and climate topics!

Blue Ventures

Oceans are essential to life on Earth, producing 50% of our oxygen. Blue Ventures works to restore the world’s ocean by putting conservation at the community level. Its mission is to rebuild tropical fisheries with coastal communities so that they can manage their natural resources effectively and protect marine life.


Justdiggit addresses the effects of climate change on communities and landscapes in sub- Saharan Africa by promoting practices that lead to ecosystem restoration. They train farmers and communities how to regreen in a quick, sustainable way. This improves livelihoods, and positively impacts biodiversity and climate change.

United Kingdom

Goal N° 1 No poverty End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal N° 2 Zero Hunger End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

The Felix Project

The Felix Project believes in a vision of London where no-one goes hungry and good food is never wasted. They rescue good surplus food from the food industry that cannot be sold and would otherwise go to waste and deliver it to food banks, charities, primary schools and holiday programmes in London.

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    Epic Foundation is:

    United States – a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity  | United Kingdom – a Registered Charity #1163753 | France – a Fonds de dotation | Switzerland – a tax-exempt charitable foundation.